Monday, February 8, 2010

The Young Shopkeeper

A wistful yet wishful glance at the sun,
A storekeeper smiling

she stands outside
of her darling little shop
in a Tokyo suburb,

and she begins to sweep.

and powerful str-
okes, she pulls
the dust
close to
her heart.

A tiny circle forms at her feet, and someday
the ground
will finally be clean.

She sings, she sings
in the peaceful yet heartbroken day.

Her life
so far
has been wonderful,
and terrible,

so she supposes it has been okay.

She's lost,
she's lost
so many things


and she reflects this pain in her song...

But the melody
also ho-
a pined for
fragment of hope,

for she knows it will not always
be that way.

Currently, she
does not live,

but she
is not dead;

her wounds are mind-numbing,
and they ache...

she lives for nothing,
but one day,
one day,

she will live for everything.

Her dream...

her dream...

her dream...

her dream...

one day,
it will be realized.

One day,
she will venture from her comfortable shop,
and will take herself away.

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